Sunday 16 September 2012

Taking time

I am a bit sad about this post. A big bit sad actually. It is time for me to take a little break from regular blogging. It is not a break because I have run out of ideas or because I am sick of it or because I have finally been appointed as the Duchess of Cambridge's lady in waiting. Alas. It is simply because I am running out of time. And not in an existential or macabre way. 

It's just my days are shrinking. Or at least the  window of productive time between my waking hours is greatly reduced  and I'm struggling to fit everything in. Between working four days a week, taking care of Miss I, growing a new family member, trying to get organised for said new family member, co-running a household, being a wife, sister, daughter and friend, and writing my blog, all whilst trying to maximize the amount of time I spend asleep or at least horizontal, I'm knackered. 

Another bout of illness last week - like a cruel return to the morning sickness I left behind 20 or so weeks ago - made me very aware of this. Something has to give and for the next little bit it has to be this. As much as I love it (you know I do) this little blog is the one task I can actually relinquish temporarily. (Trust me when I say I wish I could relinquish tasks like cooking, cleaning, washing and all the other bits and pieces that co-running a household involves).

Rest assured I will be back. And soon. I have several posts half-written and more ideas every minute so there is no way you can escape me permanently. (I really need to find a way to convert ideas into free time - any suggestions are welcome.) I just won't regularly post on a Wednesday for the next few weeks. 

Until then, stay well, my dearly beloved readers. If you uncover any fantastic blogs or sites whilst you're navigating the immense black hole that the absent NABM will inevitably leave in your daily lives, please share! 

Let's talk again soon.


GGPA said...

II will miss my weekly contact; understand well the reason and look forward to resumption of normal service. Take care and try to snatch a regular catnap to recharge the batteries, much love xo

sallyatyamba said...

Will await your return to my iPad screen with much patience & admiration for the fab multitasking you achieve in your daily life. Much love

Gemma Munro said...

Thank you, Georgie, for your beautiful writing. I have enjoyed it immensely. Good luck finishing the process of growing (and birthing!) your second bubs - looking forward to your return to the blogging world.

Joyce said...

Wednesdays won't be the same without NABM! But I'm very glad you are taking some time out for yourself...I've always wondered how on earth you do it!

Aussiemum said...

Argh, I feel your pain!!
Hubby works away and won't come back for another two weeks, I'm due in three...
I started maternity leave last Wednesday, but working part time, today is my first actual day off with my little miss in day care. And what have I been doing? Running around madly, ticking things off my list.

Take care of yourself, I look forward to reading from you again, when time permits.