Sunday 25 March 2012

Creating consequences

Ok. Confession time. Apologies if this is the naffest thing you've ever read but I have started to write a book. The idea of writing a book is a romantic concept that I have fleetingly entertained over the years. Mostly I've disregarded it as a pipe dream unlikely to be fulfilled. For one thing I don't have a wood panelled study in which to be earnest and scholarly whilst shaping my prose. Another issue is that I don't even know what prose is.

But I have had two ideas floating about in my head for some time and a few weeks ago I was overcome with the urge to begin. I've written bits and pieces over the past few years that will loosely form part of it but last week I wrote what I imagine would be the introduction. It's not long but it made me realise it's a project I really want to pursue.

Now I realise how naff and lofty this sounds. Writing a book is an idea lots of people contemplate; it's a project slightly fewer sit down to finish; and at the end of that it's only a very scarce few who will see their book published. I have an idea in its infancy that in all likelihood will never see the light of day, so why am I risking any dash of self respect I have by telling you? One simple reason. I hope by telling you I help make it happen. And not because I'm assuming there are publishers among you*.

Last year through work I met a young man who started a business with his brother at the age of 21. Two years later they were selling half a million dollars' worth of merchandise from their parents' garage. Almost a decade later through persistence and passion they have created a substantial global business that turns over more money than you or I could imagine**. Inspiring? Very.

A conversation I had with the older brother and his wife really struck a chord. They talked about the power of writing down dreams and ambitions. For both of them, in many instances, jotting down their goals has led to them happening. With complete sincerity he commented how incredible the world would be if each of us wrote down our ideas.

Now I have heard this sentiment before but there was something about these two saying it which resonated. I suspect it had a bit to do with the fact they really walk the walk. It's simplistic but I walked away persuaded.

I've had one experience of this myself.

Earlier this year I interviewed some entrepreneurs about their business goals for 2012. One said that by articulating your goals to your employees, friends or family, or putting them on paper, you substantially increase your chance of accomplishing them. Alternatively if you don't tell anyone what you're hoping for, you give yourself the option of pretending you weren't really trying when it doesn't come off. Taking the step of telling people what you want to achieve is a commitment that seems to create consequences.

So you're on notice. I have a project I'm committed to finishing. And now that all of you know maybe it will write itself??? Do you have any goals you're reluctant to talk about out loud? If so please share, anonymously, if you like. We can do an experiment and see if this caper works!
*If you are in fact a publisher, Hi! Want to publish my book???

**Unless of course you're also exquisitely rich, in which case, I'm still holding out for my invitation to your house.


Anonymous said...

Amazing post NABM! This is a very exciting project and I wish you the best of luck with it! I have also read a report on a Harvard study that confirmed that MBA students (I think MBA?) who wrote down their goals on paper were far more likely to achieve their goals than their non-writing colleagues. It's interesting to consider whether this is because (a) the fact of writing makes you more committed to achieving your goal because you can't pretend the goal never existed; or (b) writing down a goal indicates that you have reflected more on the process of actually achieving the goal; or (c) maybe a combination of the two!! Now I just need to work up the courage to write down some of my own goals... : )

duckformation said...

I could just hug you georgie dent, because I love how you write, I would definitely buy your book, I love the sentiments in today's post and am persuaded too, and I also have an idea for a book. All the very best with it. I'll watch your space if you watch mine. xxx shanks

Joyce said...

I love this idea. I have some long-term goals which would be so exciting to achieve, must write them down.
In the mean time, perhaps verbalising the following will make them happen?
1. I will put on those 6 loads of washing after work tonight
2. I will get up early tomorrow and poo-patrol the yard
3. I will send final few thank you cards for gifts sent for the birth of our son...11 months ago

Ahhh, I feel productive already!

Gemma Munro said...

Georgie, what an inspiring post! I, too, am amazed by the power of writing goals down. Sometimes I come across old goal lists and, by jingo, they have all happened - almost without me realising.

You write so beautifully; it's a joy to read your well-crafted posts. Will await your new book in all its hard-bound, new-book-smelling glory!

GGPA said...

Hello Gee - very impressed with this latest - as i am with all.
I look forward to getting a signed copy of your book - see you soon love