Sunday 1 April 2012

In times of trouble

Regular readers might recall my slightly evangelical stance on honesty. It's not that I think everyone needs to broadcast their every emotion to the entire world. Though, if anyone did choose to do that my goodness my ears would be ready and willing to listen. It's more that when it comes to connecting to the people closest to us, personally, I think more is gained by being frank about the good bits as well as the less-than-good bits. Because there's not a soul on this earth who doesn't have less-than-good times, at least, occasionally, so why pretend otherwise?

I'm not so pedantic that I actually enforce these rules on all of my friends. I know lots of people who prefer to keep things to themselves - which I begrudgingly accept - and whom I love regardless. But when it comes to me I struggle to hide my struggles. Probably less because I am a person of strong convictions and more because I am a big talker. Love. To. Talk.

Anyway it's my little honesty penchant that made me realise I need to fill you in. If you have read my last few posts, there's a chance you might think my life is all French champagne and weekends gallivanting around Sydney with friends. Fortunately there are moments when my life is those things. And those moments are lovely. But there are also times when it's not that rosy. Not even close.

It's not remotely appropriate for me to tell you why but suffice to say I have had some less-than-good moments lately. If you're anything like me, that is an infuriating admission. ("You can't say that and not tell me why!!!") Annoyingly, in this forum, however, 'less-than-good' is going to have to do. Which I accept is less-than-good itself. But moving on…

In times of trouble my natural instinct is to curl up in the foetal position. If circumstances permit, I will literally lie curled in a ball. When circumstances don't permit, I assume the position in my head and hope it will soon pass. It rarely does without some form of positive action that rarely takes place in a foetal position, real or otherwise. This week I discovered, not for the first time, that small children are actually a blessing in these times.

While Miss I had her nap on my day off from work, I lay on my bed and felt sad. Really sad. I lay there wishing that either Mr G or my own mum would magically show up in our flat and take over my caring responsibilities for the afternoon. I didn't feel up to parenting and I just wanted to stay very still. And, then, Miss I woke up and my longings mattered no longer. Not one for indulging her mother in any pity she was raring to go.

There was a sleeping bag she was rushing to remove herself from, a nappy to be changed, afternoon snacks to be devoured (NOW!), books to be read and cupboards to be destroyed. There were meltdowns, cuddles, slobbery kisses and many of her little laughs. Inside I wasn't nearly as light-hearted or joyful as her gorgeous giggles but, because of them, I was a whole lot happier than when she slept. She is an all-consuming distraction and happily the space she gave me from my sadness that afternoon helped. It didn't, and hasn't, disappeared. It's not simple. But it did help.  

When you experience a less-than-good time what do you do to cope? Watch terrible TV? Eat rocky road? Cry? Resort to recreational drugs? Share your top tips!



duckformation said...

I am really sorry to hear you've been feeling this way. I agree on the honesty thing, I am not very good at dissembling. This can be embarrassing in public sometimes but it's a better option for me than bottling it all up (which I just can't do any way). I hope in time you feel better. Life, particularly at the moment, feels like a lot of ups and downs. I ride the ups and when I'm down, I eat too much chocolate, I watch terrible US television (which I love) and I try to spend as much time as I can with Husband, my brother (who always makes me laugh, it's like a fix) and my closest friends. Big hug to you G xx Shanks

GGPA said...

I am saddened when my family are sad but take great strength from the knowledge that we have such a strong situation, strangely without any perceived effort. I also am joyful to think of the beautiful new members we seem to accumulate on a fairly well ordered basis. I am so much looking forward to next Saturday
Much love to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Once again, so well written with thoughts beautifully expressed you brought tears to my eyes.I hope this time passes and you can devote all your thoughts to those things which bring you so much happiness. I try to visualise good things and reflect on the positive when I feel sad and for me it helps re establish some perspective. Thinking of you. JH xx