Monday 24 December 2012

Season's greetings

Hello!! Remember me?

I used to write here quite frequently but since welcoming Miss L into the world I have been neglecting my dearly beloved blog and all of the lovely people who take the time to read it. I promise this is not because I have forgotten it or you. I can't tell you how many witty, sharp and insightful missives I have composed in my head these past few weeks while feeding my blossoming baby. Sadly, though, I can tell you how many have made it to the computer. Because that count is nil. If only there was an iDevice I could plug into my head that would automatically download, edit and format my thoughts into neat and entertaining posts to publish? Actually that might not work. The truth is not all of my thoughts are fit for public consumption.

Anyway. In the weeks between finishing work and having Miss L I had every intention of writing like a mad thing to have some posts in the wings (which have been in my head for months). I was then planning to impose a six week amnesty on blogging which I would explain to you all in advance. I figured any spare time I could find in those early weeks should be spent napping and that's the only part of the plan that's held. There were no 'weeks' between finishing work and having a baby, I still have those unwritten posts in my head and I didn't ever explain my blogging plans.

And now, the day before Christmas, a month since I last wrote, 
I sit with my seven week old baby in my arms while I tap this out on my iPad with one finger, to wish you all a happy festive season. (There is nothing like feeding a baby to develop proficiency in 'life skills that can be completed with one hand'. I am yet to master the act of buttering toast with one hand but I will persist). And, in addition to sending you the season's greetings, it's also time for me to close down for the year. After almost eight weeks' off can you even believe my audacity?? 

I have now made my annual pilgrimage to Yamba (a post on that experience will be forthcoming in the new year) where we'll spend a few weeks with my extended family. It is a sacred time and a holiday that need not mix with technology. Yamba is a computer free zone for me and it's a rule I refuse to compromise*.

So until next year NABM will lie dormant. I will be back with a vengeance from the 10th of January, from which date you will struggle to ignore me. At least that's what I hope will happen. I wish you all a very merry end to 2012 and hope that, however you spend the next few weeks, your days are filled with laughs and loved ones. Thank you for 
continuing to indulge me by visiting this tiny corner in cyber space. It brings me more joy than I can say. 

Happy eating, beaching and resting!

*With the glaring exception of posting this blog which has taken me several attempts to complete. 

1 comment:

Meg said...

I will be there in one hour to meet miss l and to reacquaint myself with the misses c, p and I. Sounds like little women. XX