Wednesday 30 January 2013

MicroSolutions. Go.

Look, technically, it's a little late to be talking new year resolutions but it's still January so I'm pressing ahead regardless. Plus, come to think of it, I really doubt there is a regulator who would forbid me from posting this. So resolutions it is! Now I don't know about you but I'm not one for making big resolutions. This is because I like to save myself the disappointment of reflecting a year later and realising I still haven't run a marathon, signed up for a triathlon, learnt Spanish or indeed experienced any desire to do so. I save myself the trouble and don't even pretend it might happen. 

I do, though, at the start of a new year like to have a think about the year that's been and ponder - very gently, with no pressure - what the next year might hold and how I'd like it to unfold. This year my big picture mantra is to enjoy my time with the girls. Being on maternity leave means for most of 2013 I will be free from the work/mother/home juggle, the commute, the mad dash to get home, cook dinner, bathe and bed children before collapsing into bed myself. It's a privilege, notwithstanding the fact it's a privilege with plenty of trials, and I want to make the most of it. That was my 2013 big picture covered.

And then I read this article on Mamamia about micro-resolutions. Unlike the big and daunting goals people traditionally set themselves in January - quit smoking, lose weight, run a marathon, learn French - these are tiny little goals that have the potential to make daily life much easier. Things like putting the keys in the same place every time you come home or actually using the compartment in your handbag for your mobile. They're very do-able and whilst small they can address some of life's more irritating daily battles. Small change, big rewards. The whole notion struck me as completely genius. 

And, incidentally, made fantastic car conversation fodder. As Mr G and I drove back to Sydney with the girls, after our Christmas hell-iday was dramatically extended, we talked micro-resolutions and re-coined them MicroSolutions. After much brainstorming these are the ones I settled on for 2013. 

- Banish transitional clothes. In 2013 in NABM HQ clothes are either hung up/folded and put away or put in the laundry basket. Surfaces such as chairs, chests of drawers, the top of the laundry basket or my desk are no longer acceptable places for the temporary storage of clothes. Our bedroom looks so much better for this already.

- Return phonecalls, texts and emails within 24 hours. I have become terribly lax with correspondence which is quite rude and quite annoying because I invariably spend more time internally bemoaning my bad habit than it would take to reply or return the phonecall. If you're waiting for a reply please feel free to hold me to account. So far I think I'm almost up to date??

- Use mobile phone compartment in my Bermuda Triangle handbag. So simple, saves so much grief and yet is so tempting to overlook.

- No picking at skin. It's not pleasant but it's true. I have a terrible habit of picking at the skin on my arms. I do it when  when I'm thinking, when I'm not thinking, when I'm relaxed, when I'm stressed, when I'm waiting, when I'm hungry...basically I do it whenever I'm breathing and my eyes are open so it's time to stop.

- Complete domestic jobs as and when required. I am very good at commencing household jobs and then abandoning them halfway through. For example, I very frequently soak clothes in nappysan and then leave them there for a week before bringing myself to complete the task by emptying the bucket and putting the clothes on to wash. Similarly I often put loads of washing on and then forget about it until the next day.... or the day after....when I then discover the wet clothes still in the machine. Previously I could reliably rely on Mr G to complete these jobs (I call this teamwork!) but given his new schedule it would be most surprising if he could duck home at lunchtime to hang out the clothes.

Now it's your turn! What Micro-Solutions would improve your daily life? Or do you have a Macro-Solution you're sticking to? Share!  


Joyce said...

Ooooh I like this idea! Mine was a micro-solution with macro impact. I've decided 2013 is the year of 'no'. So simple, yet so life changing.

The past couple of years I've made a bad habit of saying yes to everything and finding myself totally overcommitted, to the point of mental, emotional collapse. Btw I'm not talking social invitations - sadly there are not enough of those to warrant collapse of any kind. I'm talking extra-ciricular, unpaid, sort-of-work-related 'opportunities'.

I feel like I've paid my dues, so this year, I'm just saying no. And even though I haven't done it yet, it feels good just deciding to!

Redgate Consulting said...

Love this topic! I also have made a few micro resolutions ( but didn't know what they were called until now)
1. Moisturize body as well as face every day- I have always been a stickler for face moisturizer but for some reason not the rest of my body- so far so good
2. Shopping by meal plan/recipe rather than mindless weekly supermarket haul to reduce food wastage
3. Strict control on pantry - linked to above
4. keeping the laundry clutter in the cupboards or drawers
Tiny issues really but all in a bid to be more mindful and tidy!

cat and vee xoxo said...

hey Georgie - this is a random-blast-from-the-VERY-far-past - my brother Gus just told me about your blog, not actually sure how he came across it though.

I used to babysit you when you were maybe 3, 4, 5. I have two girls now too - mine are 9 and 11, turning 10 and 12 this year. I also did law, but haven't worked as a lawyer since my oldest was born, it was so not for me.

Can't tell you how impossibly old it makes me feel to read that you're all grown up (of course) and married with gorgeous children of your own. Just - really impossibly old.

take care, love to your parents and sis and brother. I don't get back down to where Mum and Dad live much anymore - my oldest is allergic to macadamias, and Mum and Dad now live on a macadamia farm (go figure the randomness of that, who would have thought) - so we mainly see them when they come up here (to Brisbane).


Lissy Annie said...

Car keys in the same place …genius!
Meal plan … changing !
Act on emails and text…inspiring!
Gee .. you are spot on with the tiny micro solutions… the big ones are hard..
I tried feb fast ..lasted 9 days..disappointment to self ..
Consoling myself with car keys in the same place.
Can't believe you haven't overtaken Julia with such great tips !